to Jones Family Genetics.

Ty. Hayden. Hadley.
We’re first-generation cattle producers, but not new to agriculture. Spencer grew up near the feedlots of Southwest Kansas and graduated from Kansas State University with a B.S. in animal science and an M.S. in ruminant nutrition. After graduating, Spencer worked in the livestock feed and nutrition industry while we worked to acquire land and grow our cow herd. Spencer has been full-time on the ranch since 2015. He oversees all daily operations and drives the genetics program.
Cassie grew up in ND before meeting Spencer at K-State, then drug him up to Iowa while she earned her Ph.D. She is a Professor and the Teaching Coordinator in the Dept. of Animal Sciences & Industry at K-State. On the ranch, she’s responsible for 2 AM calf checks and cold calf care.
We’re a family operation, with our elementary-aged kids, Ty, Hayden, and Hadley serving as our best ranch hands. While we first homesteaded in Wabaunsee County in just 2013, we are fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends who have helped make this truly a family operation.
Our Ranch Hands.